If you missed Green Week 2015 Nature – our health, our wealth – the streaming is now ONLINE
The 2015 edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy, was held from 3 to 5 June at The Egg Conference Centre, Rue Bara, in Brussels. The theme was nature and biodiversity.
Nature is vital for our health and our wealth. We depend on it for the food, energy, raw materials, air and water that make life possible and drive the economy. We share this planet with an extraordinary natural diversity which is a source of inspiration, learning and recreation; part of our cultural heritage and contributing to our quality of life. Protecting nature and maintaining Europe’s competitiveness must go hand-in-hand as nature and biodiversity policy can play a key role in creating jobs and stimulating investment.
Green Week looked at these and other benefits that we receive from nature, and the frameworks in place to protect it.
Watch the sessions and see what was discussed by clicking on the individual titles under the programme link.
The Green Week Team.